So it's been 8 months since I left China. Here's a graph of the amount of pics I added to the KO gallery during the same time from May to Dec 2022.
I added 4987 pics to the KO gallery and around 500 items to the store that I found while toy hunting in China markets.
I wonder how many KOs we missed during the last 8 months. The eBay/Ali stores usually only sell the hot selling items, maybe 100 or so/year? Does that mean there were a few hundred that were only found by me per year? :)
I added 4987 pics to the KO gallery and around 500 items to the store that I found while toy hunting in China markets.
I wonder how many KOs we missed during the last 8 months. The eBay/Ali stores usually only sell the hot selling items, maybe 100 or so/year? Does that mean there were a few hundred that were only found by me per year? :)
1 yr. ago